Project publication
So you want us to publish your project? Fantastic! Please read the notes below to ensure you send us what we need and how we need it.
legal stuff
By submitting content you agree to our terms and conditions, which can be reviewed here.
- We like submissions via email
Please send text and images of your project to one of the following email addresses:
How to submit a project
To submit a project for consideration, simply email us a selection of good jpegs (at least 3000 pixels on the shortest sides), some text about the project and links where appropriate. Please have a look at our copyright policy before submitting material.
If you need to send zipped images or links to file sharing sites, please send a few sample images in your email to give us an idea of your project. Please don’t scrimp on the number of images – the more, the better.
Then what happens?
If we like the look of the project we’ll be in touch. It may take us some time to get back to you. It’s fine to send us a reminder – we are only human and we do overlook things sometimes.
Meanwhile we’ll add you to our contributors mailing list (a list of people who’ve submitted projects to us or have been published). You’ll therefore receive the occasional email from us.
If you do not want to receive these emails, please make this clear in your submission. It’s fine, we understand. Or you can unsubscribe at any time.
We like exclusivity
We are more likely to publish projects that are sent to us exclusively. If you are offering us an exclusive, please make this clear in your submissions email.
We like movies
If you have a movie related to your project, send it in! We usually upload submitted movies to our own channels (particularly YouTube, Facebook and Instagram) rather than embedding from other accounts. We may edit movies but we’ll ask for your permission first.